On December 2, 2010, Deborah and her family received some shocking news. Deborah, a young, healthy wife and mother of four had been diagnosed with liver cancer. To say this news was devastating is an understatement. How could this be happening to Deborah? She is the heart of her family and so many people love her and depend on her. This is usually a disease that affects people with liver cirrhosis or hepatitis. She has always lived a very health conscious lifestyle--no bad habits or exposures that could have put stress on her liver. Unfortunately, we have learned that it can strike anyone and that the incidence in the US is increasing at a rapid rate.
Knowing something had to be done quickly, Deborah's friends and family got busy checking out this disease and where she could get the best possible treatment. Through several medical professionals it was confirmed that MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston Texas was the premier place for cancer treatment, especially liver cancer. Then a good family friend, who happened to be a physician, was able to call and arrange for her to be seen and treated there.
So begins a journey for Deborah and her family that was neither anticipated or desired, but that will be taken. This blog is a record of that journey.
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